
1. Vocabulary

1.1 ‘Agreement’is the Terms and Conditions expressed here.

1.2 ‘Entity’refers to the body offering services of a writing and research nature and associated tasks on an independent basis to Clients. The terms by which the service is offered are set out here.

1.3 ‘Writer’refersto the individual who provides services for the Entityon a work to order basis, according to the terms of the Entity.

1.4 ‘Client’refers to the individual who makes an Order for a Product with the Entity, according to this agreement.

1.5 ‘Order’refers to a Product or Service that the Client pays for, and which is delivered electronically by the Entity.

1.6 ‘Order Status’refers to the progress of the order.

1.7 ‘Product’is the result of the completed Order in the form of a digital document.

1.8 ‘Product Revision’refers to the original Product that has been edited at the request of the Client.

1.9 ‘Customer Services Department’or ‘Support refers to that section of the Entity which is dedicated to facilitating the ordering process and assisting Clients.

1.10 ‘Quality Assurance Department refers to a section of the Entityresponsible for checking and maintaining the quality of both the Product and services.

1.11 ‘Message System’allows contact to be made between the Client and Writer or Support via the website interface.

1.12 ‘Verification Process’ is the process that a Clientmust undergo to confirm billing identity and for fraud checks.

1.13 ‘Order Credit’ is a financial account held by the Clientinside theEntity.

2. Privacy Policy

2.1 The Entitywill do everything reasonably possible to safeguardthe Client’s privacy. The Entity undertakes never to share or resell any part of theClient’s personal information, such as credit card information. Any transaction made through the site uses the secure payment systems supplied by Authorize.net. While this protects theClient’s credit card information, the Entity is unable to completely guarantee any breaches of credit card information that may ariseoutside its control.

2.2 The Clientwill be required to provide certain information such as name, home address, and telephone number when appropriate. This information is used solely for the purpose of verification or when it is necessary tomake contact with the Clientconcerning the Order. The information and documents in which the information is contained will be deleted immediately after being verified.

2.3 The Clientis not permitted to make direct contact with the Writer, in order to protect their personal information. Instead, they will have access to a Message System on the site and a 24/7 Customer Services Department.

2.4 Once payment is received for the Order, the Client’s information in the Order description, as well as any other files submitted for the purpose of the Order completion will be made available to the Writer. The Client is asked to refrain from providing the Writer with any personal information or billing details, such as email address or credit card details. The Entitycannot be held responsible if the Client discloses any such information.

3. Nature of Service and Product and Terms and Conditions of Usage

3.1 The service offered by the Entityprovides expert Writers for independent writing and research services. This service isoffered to Clientsfor the purpose of assisting them with academic assignments. The Entityis unable to offer any guarantees as to the outcome or grades. The Client understands that the documents offered by the Entity are solely intended for the purposes of research, and that the Entity cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from the improper use of the documents.

3.2 The Clientagrees to check whether such services as offered by the Entity are permitted under the laws of their country, and to verify their college/university/school guidelines and regulations before using the Entity’s services.

3.3 The Client agrees that they are solely responsible for the decision to use the services provided by the Entity, and that the Entity, its Writers, and employees cannot be made liable if that decision contravenes the rules of the Client’s place of study, or are not permitted under the law where theClient resides. Nor is the Entity responsible if the Client provides incorrect information, either intentionally or unintentionally.

4. Ordering Process

4.1 Making an Order. The Clients bears full responsibility to register on the site with a current email and phone number – both home number and mobilenumber if possible). This is to facilitate communication with the Client if necessary during the Order process. Failing to supplythe correct details may cause problems in completing the Order and arean infringement of the terms in this agreement and may result in the Client forfeiting any claim regarding the implied guarantee or warrantyof this agreement.

4.2 Payment. The Client must pay in full for the Product or service before work can begin on their Order. TheClientis fully responsible for any failure to make payment on time.

4.3 Discounts. The customer is required to complete the Order form in an attentive and accurate manner. Discount codes are unable to be applied to any order after it has been paid for. The company has no obligation to offer a replacement or any compensation in the event of a code not being correctly used in the order process. Customers are not permitted to combine special offers and discount codes in a single order, and they cannot be combined with other additional services.

4.4 Instructions. TheClient is obliged to provideinstructions that are precise and clear. Any failure on the part of the Client to provide clear instructions may affect the ability of the Entity to complete the Order before the deadline requested by the Client. In this situation, the Entity may require additional instructions; if the Client fails to provide these within a reasonable time frame and before the deadline, the Entity will be unable to fulfil any implied guarantee or warranty, nor can they be held accountable. The Client understandsthat after completion of the Order, a request for revisionscan only be considered based on the original Order. If the instructions for the original Order are changed, this will be regarded as editing and will incur an extra charge.All instructions, as well as any additional requests,are required in order for aWriterto be assigned to the Client’s Order. Any failure of the Client to fulfil this requirement means that the Client has invalidated these Terms and Conditions and therefore forfeits any claim to the implied guarantee or warranty.

4.5 Resources. The Writerwill be permitted to make use of any resource, such as journals, newspapers, books, online publications. If the Clientrequires specific materials to be used by the Writer, or wishes others not to be used, he or she must advise the Entity when placing the Order. Instructions and specific sources must be provided by the Client within the time schedule stated below.

  • 48 hours – 10 days: Within 8 hours.
  • 12 hours – 24 hours: Within 1 hour.
  • 12 hours – or less: Within 20 minutes.

If the Client fails to adhere to this requirement, they will be violating this agreement and itsterms and conditions and the Client will forfeit any claim to the implied guarantee or warranty.

4.6 Matching of the Academic Level. The Client bears full responsibility for choosing the correct Academic Level required, and accepts full liability for any failure to do so. They should contact the Customer Services Departmentin the event of making an error.

4.7 Checking the Message System. The Clientis responsible for checkingregularly to view any updates regarding the Order. The Clientis also responsible for responding quickly to any messages requesting a response. No refund will be given if the Client fails to check the Message System.

4.8 Placement of An Incorrect Order. The Entityretains the right to notproceed with any Order if the details are inconsistent or fail to match the original description. The Client may incur an additional charge if they made an inaccurate description, or chose an incorrect Product. Additional changes may incur extra payment. These include Writer level upgrade or extension of a deadline. Such additional payments will only be made with the approval of theClient.

4.9 Order Progress Tracking. The Client is asked to make use of their personal account on the website to keep in regular contact with Support and the Writer.
Possible statuses of an Order are:

  • Awaiting payment – the Order hasbeen registered on the Entity’s system, but work will not be initiated until the Clientmakes payment.
  • Research begun–the Order has been paid for and the Entity’s Researchers are collecting and preparing materials for the Writer.
  • Work in progress –aWriterhas been assigned your Order and has begun work.
  • Completed – The Order is complete and the Product is available in theClient’s accountarea on the website. The Clientshould download and review it.
  • Returned for revision –the Writer is making changes to the Product as theClient’ has requested.
  • Hold – there is a problem with the Order and the Customer Services Department have put the Order on hold. The Writerwill not work on the Order until the issue has been resolved. The Clientshould contact the Customer Services Department or view the Messaging Board.
  • Canceled – the Order has been cancelled and no further work will be made.

4.10 The Client can request a draft of their Order, although this cannot be guaranteed if the Order has been requested within 48 hours.

4.11 Preferred Writer. The Client can request a preferred Writer, although the availability of the Writer cannot be guaranteed. The Entitymay decline the request for a preferred Writer for reasons such as quality or failure to deliver Orders on time. The Clientwill be provided with a justification for the refusal of a preferred Writer. Should theClient still wish to proceed with their preferred Writer, the Entitybears no responsibility for any subsequent failure by the Writer regarding quality or punctuality, and no refund is guaranteed.

5. Order Delivery Policy and Downloading

5.1 The Entity will not be responsible or liable for any delivery failures which occur as a result of issues outside its control, such as the Client providing an incorrect email address, or the Client’s email system sending messages to a spam folder. The Client has full access to the Customer Services Departmentif they experience delivery problems with the Order.

5.2 If the Product is delivered within the time frame requested by the Client, and the Clientneglects to download the Product by that time, the Entity cannot be held responsible. No refund can be made for work completed by the Writer.

6. Verification Process

6.1 The Entity endeavours to take every reasonable step to prevent fraud and protect the billing data of the Clients, and is obliged by banks, merchant providers and the authorities to protect the credit card details of its Clients. Given that the business of the Entity is conducted online, and that the Product is conveyed electronically, delivery does not require a written signature.

6.2 The company reserves the right and power to request from the customer at any point:

  • a full copy of a billing statement, a photocopy of the customer’s credit card (all numbers except the last four can be covered)
  • a photocopy of the customer’s passport (visa copies are acceptable for international students)
  • a photocopy of the customer’s official identification (such as a driver’s license or any other government issued ID).

All and any of the documents shared with the company are never passed on to any third parties, they are only requested for the purposes of verifying the customer’s identity. The company does not save or store these copies and they are disposed of once the verification process has been completed.

6.3 The Clientmust fulfilany request for verification within the following time frame, in order to comply with any implied warranty or guarantee. If they fail to do so, they forfeit any claim to an implied warranty or guarantee.

  • Order requested from 48 hours – 10 days: within 8 hours of making the Order.
  • Order requested from 12-24 hours: within 1 hour of making the Order.
  • Order requested within less than 12 hours: within the first 20 minutes of making the Order.

6.4 The Entity works closely with the authorities to fight cyber crime. The Entity reports all fraudulent Orders and any unauthorized use of a credit card to the relevant law enforcement agencies for further investigation.

7. Termination

7.1 The Entity retains the right to cancel an Order, even once it is paid for, if they suspect fraud or the Client has failed to respond to communication. No refund can be guaranteed in these instances. The Entityretains the right to determine what response to take, with each case treated independently.

8. Revision policy

8.1 The Free Revision policy is provided asa courtesy to Clients. Requests for a Free Revision must be made within fourteen days of the initial completion date of the Order, or thirty days for larger orders such as a dissertation or thesis. In the event of this deadline having passed, the Clientmay request an Order revision at extra cost.

8.2 The Entity’s Quality Assurance Department may choose to limit or decline revision requests, for example, for: changes from the initial Order instructions; any abuse of the Free Revision policy, excessive requests for revision; or any other as deemed reasonable.

8.3 The Quality Assurance Department may refuse a revision request at their discretion.

9. Originality guarantee.

9.1 The product ordered by the customer is guaranteed to be completely original. All orders are checked over using the most advanced anti-plagiarism software available to ensure 100% originality of work. The company operates a strict zero tolerance policy for plagiarized work.

9.2 Customers can add a plagiarism report service to their order for an additional fee. If requested, the company provides this report along with the finished product. The company is not obliged to offer a copy of any plagiarism report for every subsequent product revision that might take place.

10. Satisfaction Guarantee

10.1 The ordered product is guaranteed to be completed according to the customer’s stated instructions and delivered to the client in an agreed timely manner.

10.2 The Entitywill only check its own Orders for plagiarism, and not any materials provided from other sources. No refund shall be made if a proofread/formatted paper or Product supplied by the Client is deemed to have been plagiarized.

10.3 Cancellation of an Order can be made any time during the period it is being worked on and before it iscompleted.

10.4 Any requests for a refund or to cancel an Order should be made in writing in the form of an email to theCustomer Services Department or via the Order Message System. The Clientis entitled to request a partial or complete refund in the case of being dissatisfied with the Order or receiving the Order after the deadline. Such refunds are made on a case to case basis, and are at the discretion of the Entity.

10.5 If the Client wishes to request a refund on the grounds of quality of the Product, the should provide firm evidence to back up their claim. Refund requests will be referred to the Quality Assurance Department for investigation only once such evidence has been provided. The Quality Assurance Department may request further evidence, and this should be provided promptly.

10.6 All refund requests must be received by the Entity no later than seventy-two hours after the Order’s completion, or the Client’s satisfaction with the Product will be presumed and no refund can be made

10.7 If under any circumstances a full refund is made, or payment is retracted after the Order has been delivered, the Entity retains full ownership of the Product and the Client may not use it under any circumstances. The Entity will possess the right to use, share, distribute or resell the Product.

10.8 The Entitycannot be held responsible if the Clientfails to derive any benefit from the Product, orif any improper useis made of the Product, and the Entityis not obliged to make a refund should the Client’s grades prove inadequate.More details can be found in section 3. 1.

10.9 Store Credits may be awarded by the Entity for any inconveniences. These credits must be used within 365 calendar days of being awarded; any that remain after this date will be deleted and may no longer be used.

10.10 Short Message Service (SMS) Alerts are messages between the Entity and the Client via mobile phone. When the Clientplaces an Order, it gives authority to the Entity to send such messages when they deem necessary. These may include notifications of discounts and special offers. The Entityis not responsible for any charges made by the Client’s mobile service provider.

11. Promotional Materials

11.1 The Entity retains the right to send email messages to the Clientconcerning special offers, discounts, additional services,or any other information that the Entitybelieves useful or relevant.

11.2 The Clientagrees that the Entity and any permitted third party may send emails and other forms of digital communications such as push notifications or SMS.

11.3 The Client acknowledges that they may take no action against the Entity for concerning emails and other forms of electronic communications for advertising, promotional, and informative purposes.

12. Waiver of Breach

12.1 If the Entitychooses to waive any breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Client, this shall not be considered an implicit acceptance of any other breach, prior or subsequent. All resolutions made underthese Terms and Conditions shall be considered to be cumulative; that is, in accumulation withall other resolutions made here or under the law.

12.2 If the Entityfails to insist on complete adherence to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall be consideredto refer only to a specific instance and may not be applied to any other breach of the terms and conditions.

13. Amendments

13.1 The Entityretains the right to make any amendment or revision to these Terms and Conditions. The Clientaccepts the imposition of any subsequent changes, and agrees to review the Agreement regularly to make themselves aware of any such changes.

14. Entire Agreement

14.1 These Terms and Conditionsprovides full details of the agreement between the Client and the Entity. Any further statements made by either party or their agent, and that do not agree with the Agreement, will not be valid unless expressly authorized under these Terms and Conditions. Changes to the Agreement must only be made in writing, and be signed by the parties. These Terms and Conditionsreplaces any previous agreements or communications, either written or verbal, between the Client and the Entity.

15. Severability

15.1 The Clientagrees that if any section ofthese Terms and Conditions is deemed illegal or in variance with the law of the state where it was made by a court, all remaining sections will not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the Clientas stated in the remaining and uncontested terms will remain valid.

16. Law Governing

16.1 These Terms and Conditionswill be administered according to the laws governing theEntity’s main business location.

17. Place of Suit

17.1 Any legal action carried out to enforce these Terms and Conditionsor its provisions may take place in acourt of lawin the principal location of the Entity, or in any other locationthat the Entity determines.